It wasn't until I was seventeen that I realised that this phenomenon had a name. For months I'd been referring to them as "brain orgasms", because for me that's what they felt like. After a bit of Googling "nice tingly head feeling" etc. I found that other people were calling it roughly the same thing, and it had gained the acronyms AIHO: Attention Induced Head Orgasms and AIE: Attention Induced Euphoria. With more searching I managed to find it's real name of ASMR: Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, and I found that this tingly feeling I thought no one else experienced had a massive internet cult following.
Through further searching I entered a dark corner of the internet that I'd never come across or heard of before, a place that was originally quite unsettling.
The state that some of these videos put me into is almost meditative, you can think of nothing but this pleasure overwhelming your body. The only way I can describe it, as I have previously, is like being in a trance. I always struggled to meditate, as one of the unfortunate effects of anxiety means having brain that will not shut down naturally no matter how hard you try; but with the help of videos like this one below, my brain is made completely blank and calm.
I fully appreciate that not everyone will experience this same feeling as me when you encounter something like this, but these videos are still made for relaxation purposes. Even if you do not enter the state that people like myself do, these videos can still be enjoyed for their calming effects. I also understand that at first they may seem creepy, someone is purposely recreating a situation in which they are in your personal space. At first, it unsettled me quite a lot, and it took me a long while to find people who actually don't unnerve me with their videos. Some users make their videos with underlying sexual tones, which makes me uncomfortable, and this is also why I generally prefer watching a woman to a man.
In essence, if I hadn't discovered this internet following, I seriously doubt I will have passed my exams. I used them every night to fall asleep during exam period, and I used them during my revision breaks just like some friends of mine would use regular meditation. I hope, in a way, this post has been informative and interesting to you - but most of all, I hope that if you also experience these feelings, it has helped to introduce you to a world where you can embrace them from your own home.